How Permanent Is Laser Hair Removal?

December 18th, 2019 3:32am

laser hair removal Toronto

We all want silky smooth skin but excessive or unwanted hair makes it seem impossible. The usual suspects can be seen on the underarms, back, legs, bikini area, chin, or upper lips.

Most traditional hair removal solutions are temporary. They are typically offered in beauty spas or can be done at home as a DIY. These include plucking, tweezing, shaving, waxing, bleaching, and over-the-counter depilatory creams. Of all the beauty treatments out there, hair removal is probably the most frustrating, exhausting, and inconvenient because, although they sound easy to do, the results do not last long and you have to deal with it over and over again.

If you are ready to call it quits with your razor, thankfully, there’s laser hair removal in Toronto  to the rescue.

Close up of a woman’s hairless legs

How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures. According to Medical Today, it works  by emitting a concentrated amount of laser light directly onto the hair follicles. Light is absorbed by the melanin or the pigment in the individual hair, which then travels down the hair shaft to the roots. As the laser light is absorbed, it produces heat that should destroy the growth center inside the tube-shaped sacs, also known as hair follicles, and prevent them to produce new hair in the future.

Basically, you can have any part of your body for laser hair removal, except for eyebrows or eyelids to avoid injuries. It’s rated most effective getting rid of hair in the bikini line, lip, chin, and underarm areas.

Diolaze Laser Hair Removal

Diolaze is a new high-speed laser technology designed to remove facial and body hair gently and effectively. What sets Diolaze laser apart from other existing laser technologies in the market is its built-in skin cooling surface, one of the largest for all hair removal devices, that makes the entire procedure more comfortable and virtually painless experience for the client.

Unlike other laser hair removal treatments, Diolaze does not have any negative side effects like blistering, scarring, or crusting. Laser hair removal in Toronto is also safer than traditional alternatives, such as waxing and shaving, because it can target the hair without causing irritation in the surrounding area.

Is It Really Permanent?

Laser hair removal is permanent.

A hair follicle destroyed by laser light is absolutely dead and can never grow back. However, it is important to understand the life cycle of hair that includes a shedding, resting, and growing phase that takes anywhere around four to six weeks. Hair follicles in the resting phase will be undetected by the technician and cannot be seen under laser light. More importantly, they cannot absorb the heat from the laser light at full strength and are, therefore, unaffected by the procedure and grow back again.

This explains why you would have to come back for multiple sessions to completely remove a considerable amount of hair on a certain area. Maintenance treatments may also be necessary every now and then but should become few and far between over time. In addition, people who have undergone laser hair removal in Toronto revealed new hair growth has become barely noticeable as the hair strands have become thinner, finer, and lighter in colour.

Does It Work for Everyone?

They say the best candidate for laser hair removal would be someone with a fair complexion and dark hair. In theory, a person with strawberry blonde hair, for example, does not have enough pigment that will absorb the laser light. Hence, laser hair removal will be unsuccessful.

While this may be true for other laser treatments, we find that Diolaze works just as effectively on all hair colours, from blonde, auburn, brown, to jet-black hair. We have also seen the best results on our clients with darker skin tones.

A woman receiving laser hair removal in Toronto on her armpits

Tips for Success

  • Show up on your appointment make-up free or product-free. Skip the moisturizer and the deodorant as well. Shave the area before each appointment. This allows the laser to accurately penetrate the root of the hair.
  • Do not wax, tweeze, or bleach the hair on the target area one month before your scheduled laser hair removal in Toronto treatment. This is to ensure that the roots are intact so the laser can precisely target it and destroy it effectively.
  • The secret to seeing amazing results fast is consistency. Do not skip sessions even when you are already seeing your desired results. We also suggest booking full course treatments instead of going sporadically on single sessions.
  • Steer clear of the gym or hot showers for the first 24 hours after laser hair removal. The moisture from the sweat and the increased temperature of your body can turn your skin into a hotbed of bacteria that can cause ingrown hair or infection.
  • Hold back on prescription medication a week before treatment. Some drugs like antibiotics can be photosensitive or have a chemical or electrical response to light. If you have an infection or uncertain about the meds you are taking, we recommend consulting your personal physician first.
  • Stop using makeup or skincare products with harsh ingredients, such as retinoids and alfa hydroxyl acids. They can make the skin vulnerable to sun damage and irritation during the treatment period.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure a couple of weeks before and after your scheduled laser hair removal procedure. There are two important reasons for this. First, the sun can make your skin sensitive to the treatment and put you at risk of hyperpigmentation after. The second one is that your skin is temporarily at heightened risk to UV rays post-laser treatment and prone to sun damage. We highly recommend applying sunscreen or wearing appropriate clothing, sleeves or pants, if you want the treatment for your underarms or legs.

Toronto Laser Hair Removal

Clinique de Mode offers Diolaze, the best laser hair removal treatment if you want a flawless, baby smooth, and hair-free skin. Get the full details on how Diolaze can help you. Book your free consultation today.

Category: Ask Christina


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